Lancastrian Awards 2023 - Liverpool Pals Memorial Committee

Liverpool Pals Memorial Committee


We are proud to recognise the Liverpool Pals Memorial Committee with a Lancastrian Award, for their remarkable dedication to preserving history and honouring heroes.


The Liverpool Pals Memorial Committee are based in Lancashire's historic Hundred of West Derby


Led by Tony Wainwright BEM, the Committee has created a living monument to the memory of the 6,000 brave Lancastrians from Liverpool who volunteered in 1914, responding to the call to arms.


Their extraordinary effort to remember each of these heroes is evident in their meticulously curated website:


Every fallen Pal has a dedicated page, featuring, where possible, their photograph, headstone, and a full biography. This heartfelt tribute serves not just as a repository of history, but as a tool for research and remembrance, continually updated with newfound information and images.


Of the 6,000 volunteers, over 3,200 fell in service of King and Country. The Liverpool Pals were the first of the Pals Battalions to be formed and the last to be stood down in 1919.


Their story is a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made and the spirit of camaraderie that prevailed.


We acknowledge the exceptional work of the Liverpool Pals Memorial Committee in honouring their memory. Congratulations.