Millennium Map of Lancashire
Prior to 1974 the boundaries of the traditional counties of Britain continued to be shown on Ordnance Survey maps in spite of the fact that some areas of the county, e.g. the County Boroughs, were no longer administered by the County Council.
After 1974 Ordnance Survey chose to show only the boundaries of the new administrative counties, which led people to believe that the traditional county boundaries no longer existed. Nothing could be further from the truth, because in 1974 the government issued a statement confirming that the creation of new administrative counties had not abolished traditional counties nor changed their boundaries, they continue to exist; unlike many of the new administrative counties created in 1974 which have since been abolished.
Now an up to date A1 size map has been produced by Ordnance Survey for the Friends of Real Lancashire supported by a grant from the Millennium Festival Awards For All Committee, on which are marked the boundaries of the traditional County of Lancashire - the County Palatine of Lancaster.
Lancashire County Council hosted an official launch of the map at County Hall Preston on Thursday 18th January 2001, when the Friends of Real Lancashire presented a copy of the map to the Chairman of the Council.
After this ceremony free copies of the map were distributed to Record Offices, Public and Academic Libraries, Heritage and Information Centres throughout the traditional county area.
To obtain a copy of this map please go to our online shop.